Redefining ‘Island Mentality.’ The Isle of Wight slogan that tricked a generation.  

in Information, Inspiration on September 5, 2024

642 words, 3 minutes read time.

“The Isle of Wight mentality”. 

How often I heard this bizarre phrase growing up. 

An indication and slur, that one who has such a mentality would lack for ambition, would offer scorn At optimism, and would be slow to move, slow to adapt. 

Why? Why has the Island developed this mentality? Or is this just a story we’ve told ourselves so many times that we have started to believe it. A story where there is no hope here on this island, that the wealth and riches that the world has so offer, can be found in grubby ports of Southampton and beyond. 

The hero’s story, one set for adventure. 

Many of my friends and family have believed this, that life starts when boarding the ferries that take them to the land of opportunity. The main Land. 

I, never saw the fascination. I’ve been around sure, I’ve toured Europe and spent vast amounts of time in the United Kingdom. Now I don’t profess to be an expert, and as a disclaimer, I have never lived off the isle. 

That is on purpose. 

The promise of wealth, community, opportunity, and a better life awaits those that venture from here. I’ll be so bold to say, that’s not always true. In fact, if I were to be even bolder, quite the opposite awaits some who think life gets better even if you bring your problems with you. 

My mentality has always been, the grass is greenest, where you water it. 

I hold my head in my hands when I hear young people say. 

 “I want to live in London for a few years, make some money, then move to somewhere quiet, you know? Like with great views and a slower pace of life, get a dog. Not too far away but somewhere that feels separate. You know?” 

Sometimes it’s what is right in-front of us, that is the hardest to see. 

I’m not saying the island is for everyone, no. But I am saying that I believe people leave believing they would be happier, and sadly found that this is not true. 

‘The island mentality’ is changing. 

It is going from ‘Bad luck’ to ‘infinite opportunity’ 

From ‘slow to adapt’ to ground breaking innovation’ 

From ‘negative mind set’ to positive thinking. 

In the past 2-3 years I have seen a new movement, a gathering of people that believe that this Island, is not only better, but the best. 

The island mentality is shifting, the meaning is changing. We would not trade a fast life in the city, for slow relaxed pace. We would not trade a sweaty underground tube, for a tranquil drive across the military road, we wouldn’t trade a higher paying job, at the cost of our sanity and mental well-being, we would not trade a London, single bedroom high rise flat, for a 3 bedroom house in the countryside. 

We are waking up, and dismissing the lie that the island has nothing to offer, when the truth is that here lies such abundance. 

Keep your London life, I’ll stick with Freshwater. 

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